

Guaranteed to Arrive

A few years ago I was suppose to get on a real early flight to go speak in Bradenton Florida.  It was a one day thing – but as we were about to get on the plane they were having mechanical issues.  And if I couldn’t make it there on time – I may as well not go.  I had no other reason to be in Bradenton.  It was summer time here so I wouldn’t be going were it not for the speaking event.  So I’m thinking about calling and letting them know I can’t get there, but a lady at the airline counter tried to be helpful.

I told her my dilemma and she said let’s see what we can do.  She talked to a couple of people and said I have good news for you.  She said Mr. Fugate – we can’t get you to Bradenton but we can get you to Birmingham.  Huh?  I know on a map they are only a few inches apart but in the real world they are 577 miles apart – that’s a 9 hour drive.  Now I’m thinking okay they both begin with B – but so does Bangkok and I don’t need to go there either. 

She could see I didn’t get it but as sweetly and as politely as she could she said – will that work for you?  All these analogies were running through my head – that’s what happens when you’re a preacher.  But I knew she was trying to help – and she was very sweet – but I needed to go to a specific place.  There was a specific destination and nothing else was going to work.  This is one of the things I love about being a Christian.  If you are in Jesus then God guarantees deliverance of your soul. And he guarantees the deliverance of your soul to a specific destination – heaven. 

Now I don’t know about you – but that destination sounds amazing.  Even better than Bradenton.  And that guaranteed arrival there sounds amazing as well.  And the guarantee is made possible because of the willing sacrifice of Jesus.  God in his grace – sent his son to die on a cross – his blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.  And all he asks is that we accept him, surrender our lives to him and be obedient.  So I’ll ask you what that sweet airline agent asked me – Will that work for you?  My answer is absolutely yes.

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