
Heading Home

 Isn’t it interesting what the prodigal son didn’t say?  He doesn’t say – I will go back to my old neighborhood.  I sure do miss the old neighborhood.  He doesn’t’ say – I want to go back to my old room.  I love that room.  What does he say after coming to his senses?  He says I will set out and go back to my Father.

Now think about that statement.  Parents, the most significant thing in your home is you.  It is not the things, your belongings, or how many rooms you have in your house.  It is you.  I’ll go back to my Father.  I’ll go back to the one who treated me right.  I’ll go back to the one who didn’t budge, who stood firm on principle, who loved me enough to let me go. 

I’ll go back to my Father and say, make me like one of your hired men.  The boy’s speech on how wrong he had been, how undeserving he was, was submerged by the forgiveness and excitement of the father. I understand practicing a speech before you have to go explain something to your father.  There were many times in high school where I rehearsed in my head exactly what I was going to say when I got home.  Well this prodigal rehearsed a speech also.  It went something like this…

  • “Make me as one of your hired men – I am no longer worthy to be called your son.”

Well the truth is, being a son has nothing to do with worthiness.  So when this boy ran home, and the father saw him coming, the father ran to meet him.  He smothered him with kisses, and when you read this in the bible, he hardly acknowledges this son’s pitiful rehearsed speech. There wasn’t any condemnation waiting.  There was excitement waiting.  There was celebration on the horizon.  Same is true for each of us. You just have to come to your senses, walk away from the pigsty, and say I’m going to go back to my Father.

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